Author Archives: Anca Pascalau

New recognition program available to Peterborough business community

Peterborough Green-Up and the Greater Peterborough Area Chamber of Commerce are the proud sponsors of a new program focused on recognizing local businesses that have pledged and implemented strategies to reduce waste and adopt sustainable business practises.
Called Green Business Peterborough, the program will provide a means to recognize those Peterborough businesses with exemplary environmental performance and to better educate and engage the greater business community in environmental stewardship.

“Teaming up with the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce in this new initiative was a logical first step in not only recognizing those businesses who are taking on environmental initiatives, but also encouraging those who aren’t to get on board,” said Axel Tscherniak, Peterborough Green-Up’s Executive Director.

In addition to the recognition program, Green Business Peterborough will serve as a guide to educate businesses on actions they can take that will both improve operational efficiency and reduce the impact on our environment.

To participate in the program, interested businesses should visit and complete the green business application, self-audit and pledge. Once approved, businesses will receive a plaque, window decal and be listed on the Green Business Peterborough website.

To learn more about Green Business Peterborough, businesses can contact Alex Mortlock at 705-745-3238 x 200 or

For more information contact:

Matt Higgs

Peterborough Green-Up

705-745-3238 x206

Free e-Waste Recycling and fundraising event

The Maple Leaf Cavan FC is hosting a free e-waste recycling and fundraising event every Friday in August between 5pm and 8pm.

What can you bring?

Below is a list of materials that can be collected as part of the fundraising effort:

  • Computer peripherals including modems
  • Floor standing printing devices including printers, photocopiers, multi-function devices
  • Scanners, typewriters
  • Telephones and answering machines
  • Cellular phones and pagers
  • PDAs
  • Audio and video players and recorders (eg. MP3, cassette, digital)
  • Cameras (web, digital, analog)
  • Equalizers/(pre)amplifiers
  • Radios
  • Receivers
  • Speakers
  • Turntables
  • Video players/projectors, digital frames
  • Video recorders
  • Personal hand held computers
  • Desktop computers
  • Portable computers
  • Computer peripherals (keyboards, mice, hard drives, optical drives – CD, Blueray, DVD, HD-DVD)
  • Monitors
  • Televisions (all sizes)
  • Desktop printing devices including desktop copiers and multi-function devices
  • Satellite receivers
  • Microwaves

Money raised will be going towards new fields / field improvements and support of the soccer program in general.

Anyone can donate – please help spread the word.

QUESTIONS? EMAIL  or visit the website

City of Peterborough Launches Low Flow Toilet Program

The City of Peterborough is offering a $50.00 per toilet rebate on the purchase and installation of “WaterSense” certified low-flow toilets as part of an effort to conserve water. With toilets using about 30% of domestic in-house water, changing a high-flow toilet to a low-flow toilet can save both water and money!

“This is an excellent incentive based program to help the City of Peterborough conserve water”, said Community Services Director Ken Doherty. “With the adoption of the Greater Peterborough Area Community Sustainability Plan, this is one of the priority actions that the City can implement immediately. With the water meters coming online in the near future, I would encourage those residents with older, inefficient toilets to consider replacing them through this rebate program.”

For more information on this City of Peterborough initiative click here.

PTW showcases their energy conservation

On Thursday May 17th, 2012 Peterborough This Week opened their doors to the public to showcase how their facility was renovated to become more energy efficient.  Not only did PTW lower their energy bills but they were able to take advantage of over $3K in energy rebates.  As a new member of the Sustainable Peterborough Co-ordinating Committee I was excited with the opportunity to not only visit such an energy conscious local business, but to see how they implemented conservation as part of an operational improvement strategy.

The open house was hosted by Peterborough Distribution Corporation (PDI) who gave a very informative presentation on how businesses both big and small can benefit from the various programs available both through PDI and Ontario Power Authority.  Local business can benefit from an impressive lineup of programs to help fund energy audits, to replace energy-wasting equipment or to pursue new construction that exceeds existing codes and standards. In addition there are incentives available for controlling and reducing electricity demand at specific times.  Small businesses can be eligible for thousands of dollars in rebates for everything from lighting and HVAC upgrades to replacement of motors, pumps and fans.

Energy is a critical component of the quality of life we enjoy today and PTW is a shining example of how a business can reduce their electricity costs at the same time they are minimizing their environmental footprint.  Kudos to PTW and thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

Greater Peterborough Area Moving Forward with Sustainability

Dynamic community partnerships were recently celebrated at the Peterborough Museum & Archives with the official launch of the Greater Peterborough Area Community Sustainability Plan and the opening of the Fleming College Museum Management & Curatorship Student Exhibit “Sustainable Peterborough: Looking Back, Moving Forward”. See the attached media release for more information.

Plan and Exhibit Media Release