
“Be the Change you want to see in the world“ – Mahatma Gandhi

In a previous post, I shared a survey done by Leapfrog Sustainability of over 250 senior business executives worldwide on their views of the relationship between sustainable business and commercial growth.  A whopping 78% of businesses agreed that sustainability is vital to the future growth of their business and 83% viewed spending on sustainable initiatives… more »

Can you chew gum and be sustainable at the same time?

I like to chew gum, mainly the breath freshening type.  Yesterday, my wife returned from a grocery shopping trip and tossed me a small bottle of Dentyne Ice containing 60 pieces. “Check it out”, she said.  Examining the bottle I immediately noticed the label highlighting Earth Pack Compostable Bottle. Interesting, but why would a company… more »

Sustainability – Does it Pay to be Good?

I recently have had the distinct pleasure of becoming part of a group of incredible people through Sustainable Peterborough (SP).  As Business Cultivator for the Greater Peterborough Area Economic Development Corporation (GPA EDC), I find myself wearing a number of hats, one of which is Co-ordinator to the SP Committee. One of the conversations I… more »

Educate, Motivate, Empower

Sustainable Peterborough launches the Sustainable Business Initiative, Educate, Motivate, Empower.  A program designed to foster sustainable economic activities among our regions small and medium sized businesses. Kick off event to take place Thursday January 17, 2013 at the Holiday Inn Peterborough, 7:30am-9:30am.  Guest speaker is Bob Willard, author of The Sustainability Advantage – Seven Business… more »

We want your input on our survey about buying local food!

The Peterborough Social Planning Council is conducting this survey to better understand purchasing habits, attitudes and perceptions of local food. The information we gather will be used to help support and direct food policy development locally. It will take only 10 minutes of your time to fill out. Just click on this link to follow… more »