We want your input on our survey about buying local food!

The Peterborough Social Planning Council is conducting this survey to better understand purchasing habits, attitudes and perceptions of local food. The information we gather will be used to help support and direct food policy development locally. It will take only 10 minutes of your time to fill out. Just click on this link to follow the quick and easy steps:  go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5CGHQ86

While overall survey results will be made public in a report on food and farming in Peterborough County, your individual responses will be kept in strict confidence.

If you have any questions, please contact Dawn Berry Merriam at .

Please consider forwarding this to 5 to 10 contacts(colleagues, friends, co-workers, family, neighbours) to help us reach our goal of gathering as many responses as possible to reflect our diverse community. 

Dawn Berry Merriam, M.A.,
Research & Policy Analyst,
Peterborough Social Planning Council,
Peterborough Square,
Lower Level,
360 George Street North,
Peterborough, ON,
K9H 7E7
phone: 705-743-5915,
fax: 705-748-6174
