
The City promotes its Low-flow Toilet Replacement Rebate Program as part of World Water Day March 22, 2013

The City of Peterborough is pleased to promote its Low- flow Toilet Replacement Rebate Program in recognition of World Water Day.   With toilets accounting for up to 30 % of domestic in-house water, replacing your current toilet with a low -flow toilet is a sustainable approach to saving both water and money.   The… more »

Trent University’s Masters in Sustainability Studies program Presenting a Series of Community Colloquium events

The Masters in Sustainability Studies Graduate Program at Trent University is pleased to present and welcome everyone to their Community Colloquium series of special presentations beginning this coming Wednesday, February 27th and continuing on Wednesdays through to Wednesday, March 27th. Over the next five weeks, Trent University – both the main Symons campus as well… more »

George Street Improvement Project Public Meeting

The City of Peterborough is undertaking a multi-phased project designed to improve the safety, appearance and functionality of the section of George St. between Sherbrooke and Perry Sts. The initial concept includes cycling lanes, left turn lanes and pedestrian islands. These changes are designed to reduce collisions, improve traffic flow, and make the street more… more »

New Community Service Map

The City of Peterborough, Social Services Division is pleased to announce the launch of a new Community Service Map located at This is a web-based map that currently contains agencies and services related to “Children and Youth” in the City and County of Peterborough. Over time, the map will be expanded to other social… more »

Peterborough Rocks!

The Peterborough region has many economic strengths to brag about. Our close tie to our many lakes and rivers ensure our region is a magnet for tourists. Industries such as General Electric and Quaker are doing well, providing jobs and spurring the local economy, and we have an ever-growing small business community and vibrant downtown…. more »