Category Archives: Healthy Communities

Environment Day – Friday, October 19

The City and County of Peterborough are joining together to host an Environment Day on Friday, October 19th from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the Peterborough Waste Management Facility (Landfill) located at 1260 Bensfort Road.

For this one day only, you will have an opportunity to recycle some common landfill fillers: carpet, mattresses and over-sized plastic items, such as patio furniture, laundry baskets, kiddie pools and more. It will all get recycled at no charge to you

You may also bring along your used electronics such as computers, televisions and personal electronic devices and any scrap metal items including small appliances and power tools, metal hangers, pots and pans and more.

Special event pricing is available on the purchase of blue boxes, composters, rain barrels and digesters – cash only please.

For this event only, we will be hosting tours of the landfill. Are you brave enough to go to the tip?

Visit for more details, or call 705-742-7777, ext 1657 or toll free 1-855-738-3755, ext 1657. County residents may call 705-775-2737.

This information is also available on the City of Peterborough website, as well as the County of Peterborough website

For further information please contact the undersigned:

Virginia A. Swinson, B.Sc.
Waste Diversion Section Manager
City of Peterborough
500 George Street North
Peterborough ON K9H 3R9
742-7777 Ext 1725
Toll-free 1-855-738-3755 Ext 1725

Public Information Centre: Waste Management Master Plan

The City of Peterborough has completed a draft of its new Waste Management Master Plan. Completed by Cambium Environmental Inc., the plan critically examines the diversion programs of the current waste management system and proposes options for the future expansion and improvement of these programs for the City.

Public Information Centre #2
Location: Lansdowne Place Mall (Green Expo Event)
Date: Saturday October 20, 2012
Times: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Members of the Cambium Environmental Project Team and City staff will be available at this Public Information Centre (PIC) to answer any questions and accept comments.

City residents are encouraged to attend this PIC and provide feedback and comments on the Waste Management Master Plan. A survey will be available at the PIC, and comments may also be sent directly to one or both of the undersigned until Monday October 22, 2012. All comments provided will be considered by the Project Team when evaluating options for the City’s future waste management system.

For more information please contact:

Virginia Swinson, B. Sc.
Waste Diversion Section Manager
City of Peterborough
500 George Street North
Peterborough ON K9H 3R9 705-742-7777 Ext. 1725

Kelly Murphy, P.Eng
Senior Project Manager
Cambium Environmental Inc.
52 Hunter St. East
Peterborough, ON
Tel: (705) 742-7900 ext. 226

A draft copy of the Plan is on the City website:

Greater Peterborough Area Moving Forward with Sustainability

Dynamic community partnerships were recently celebrated at the Peterborough Museum & Archives with the official launch of the Greater Peterborough Area Community Sustainability Plan and the opening of the Fleming College Museum Management & Curatorship Student Exhibit “Sustainable Peterborough: Looking Back, Moving Forward”. See the attached media release for more information.

Plan and Exhibit Media Release

Join Us – Plan & Exhibit Launch!

Please join us for the official launch of the Greater Peterborough Area Community Sustainability Plan and the exhibition opening of Sustainable Peterborough – Looking Back, Moving Forward.

When: Friday, April 13th, 4 – 6 pm
Where: Peterborough Museum & Archives
300 Hunter St. E.
Peterborough, ON
Please see the invitation for more details.