Category Archives: Economic Development and Employment

Can you chew gum and be sustainable at the same time?

I like to chew gum, mainly the breath freshening type.  Yesterday, my wife returned from a grocery shopping trip and tossed me a small bottle of Dentyne Ice containing 60 pieces. “Check it out”, she said.  Examining the bottle I immediately noticed the label highlighting Earth Pack Compostable Bottle. Interesting, but why would a company go to all the trouble of developing a compostable gum container, unless of course there was a business benefit associated with it.  As it turns out, the company behind the product is Kraft, and a quick review of their website revealed a well-developed sustainability strategy.( ). Kraft definitely sees a business benefit to developing more sustainability business practices.

But sustainability isn’t a smart business strategy for solely for large corporations like Kraft.  You can also find it happening right here in small and medium sized businesses in the Peterborough region.  An upcoming event will feature a panel discussion by three local businesses who have first hand experience in the business case for sustainability. They include Dan McWilliams or McWilliams Moving and Storage, Greg Elmhirst of Elmhirst’s Resort, and Scot Murison of Wild Rock Outfitters.  Each will provide their take on the business case for sustainability at the upcoming launch of The Sustainable Business Initiative.

In addition, the event will also feature guest speaker Bob Willard, author of several books including The New Sustainability Advantage: Seven Business Case Benefits of a Triple Bottom Line. Bob is somewhat of a business sustainability guru, having given more than 700 talks around the world on the business benefits of sustainability.

The event takes place on Thursday, January 17th from 7:30am – 9:30am at the Holiday Inn.  Tickets are $10 with proceeds to a Fleming College Sustainability Bursary.  You can register at

Sustainability – Does it Pay to be Good?

I recently have had the distinct pleasure of becoming part of a group of incredible people through Sustainable Peterborough (SP).  As Business Cultivator for the Greater Peterborough Area Economic Development Corporation (GPA EDC), I find myself wearing a number of hats, one of which is Co-ordinator to the SP Committee.

One of the conversations I find myself engaging in more frequently now is the benefits sustainable business practices can have on business operations.  In an attempt to speak more logically, I have spent some time researching.  Although I am by no means an expert….yet, the research I have done suggests that the answer to my title question is a resounding YES!

In the fall of 2012, a Canadian consortium of leading sustainability experts, Leapfrog Sustainability, featured on their website, a survey conducted by Accenture, a global management consulting firm.  Over 250 senior business executives worldwide were interviewed to determine the relationship between sustainable business and commercial growth.  The results were staggering.

The definition of sustainability in the survey was “‘a company’s effort to drive profitable growth while achieving a positive economic, social and environmental impact”  Something I have heard many times sitting around the table with the folks from SP.  Overall the survey revealed that 78% of businesses agreed that sustainability is vital to the future growth of their business and 83% viewed spending on sustainable initiatives as an investment rather than a cost.

Bob Willard, a leading expert on quantifying and selling the business value of corporate sustainability strategies, describes in his book “The new Sustainability Advantage” numerous benefits that companies can realize including:

  • Increasing revenue by at least 9%
  • Reducing energy expenses by at least 75%
  • Reducing waste expenses by at least 10%
  • Reducing materials and water expenses by at least 10%
  • Increasing employee productivity by at least 2%
  • Reducing hiring and attrition expenses by at least 25%
  • Reducing strategic and operational risks.

Although I am a relative “newbie” to the whole sustainability value proposition, I can’t ignore those numbers.

On January 17th, 2013, Bob Willard will be coming to the Peterborough Holiday Inn to discuss the Business Case for Sustainability.  He will be joined by a group of local businesses who will participate in a panel discussion about how sustainable business practices have enhanced their operations.  Tickets are available online or by calling Brigid Ayotte at 705-743-0777 ext. 2160

Greening your Business through Energy Conservation

This morning a number of local businesses were brought together by a joint initiative between the Peterborough Business Advisory Centre and Sustainable Peterborough.  The group gathered at the GPA EDC to hear David Whitehouse, Director Corporate & Customer Services/Conservation Officer of Peterborough Utilities and Alex Mortlock from Green Business Peterborough speak about a number of cost saving programs and incentives for small businesses.

Whitehouse spoke to the group on the Small Business Lighting, Retrofit and Peaksaver plus programs.

The Small Business Lighting program provides qualifying businesses up to $1,000 worth of energy efficient lighting and equipment upgrades as well as access to further incentives.  PDI supplies, installs, cleans up and recycles – making it easier for the business owner.  For more information on eligibility visit the saveONenergy website.

The Retrofit program addresses the capital costs associated with investing and participating in a retrofit program. With the Retrofit program businesses can instal energy efficient measures and earn up to 50% of their project costs.  There are a number of financial incentives available to businesses who replace existing equipment and installing new control systems that will improve efficiency of operations.

The program offers three Tracks to conservation,

  • prescriptive
  • engineered
  • custom.

Prescriptive provides you with the ease of selecting from a defined list of end-use measures with a corresponding per/unit incentive, while the engineered track provides a series of preset calculations worksheets that help you estimate reductions in peak demand and/or electricity consumption that apply to the installation of more energy -efficient equipment or solutions.

For those more complex or innovative solutions, not covered in the previously mentioned tracks. there is the custom track.  The custom track evaluates demand and energy performance on technology, equipment and system improvements. Incentives are paid after installation and once the savings have been measured and verified.

Whitehouse noted that the benefits of these programs are that the reduce operating costs, energy, increase occupant comfort and productivity and adds value to property or asset. Many retrofits pay for themselves in under 2 years which represents pure profit to the business.

Alex Mortlock, from Peterborough GreenUp spoke to the group about a recent program launched through Peterborough GreenUp and the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce called Green Business Peterborough. The program will recognize businesses that have pledged or have implemented strategies for waste reduction, energy conservation and/or any form of sustainable business practices.

There are a host of incentives for business owners to become part of the Green Business Program:

  • Recognition on the Green Business Peterborough website
  • Recognition on the Chamber of Commerce website
  • Recognition on the Peterborough GreenUp website
  • Press coverage, promotional events and special recognition
  • Window decals, certificates and promotional materials for your business
  • Green Business Peterborough logo to use in your advertising

This session was the first of a number of sessions being held over the next year to promote sustainable business practices. They fulfill a mandate set forward by Sustainable Peterborough’s Plan for Economic Development in that it provides the business community with concrete tools from which to build or transition to sustainable business practices.

Keep coming back to our website for more information on how you can save through energy conservation!

Peterborough Marina Receives a Gold Rating from the Marina Green Leaf Eco-Rating Program

The Peterborough Marina was one of the few marinas in Ontario to receive a Gold 5-Anchor Status rating by Green Leaf through the Clean Marine Eco-Rating Program. The Gold rating, which is effective September 2012 to September 2016, indicates the Peterborough Marina has made a significant commitment to environmental improvement.

Boating Ontario, along with over twenty marine industry professionals from Ontario’s boater and angler associations, formed the Clean Marine Partnership to develop a voluntary program of “Environmental Best Practices” for the marine industry that is recognized as the leader in North America. Since 2001, Boating Ontario member marinas have been enrolling in the Clean Marine Program to ensure that their marinas are following these environmentally sound practices and protecting our waterways for all to enjoy.

Each marina is audited by Greenleaf, a third party firm who provides the marina with a detailed report on their compliance with the standards of the Clean Marine Program. Results of this audit are converted to a five point Eco-Rating system, with a low of one, and a high of five green leaf anchors. In 2009, upgraded standards were added to allow additional levels of achievement, to Gold, Diamond and Platinum 5-anchor status.

This information is also available on the City of Peterborough website at

 For further information please contact the undersigned:

Rob Anderson, Recreation Division Coordinator
City of Peterborough
500 George Street North
Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3R9
705-742-7777 Ext 1833
Toll-free 1-855-738-3755 Ext 1833

Walmart Green Student Challenge

The Walmart Green Student Challenge is looking for great ideas that will help businesses become more sustainable and improve the bottom line.

Walmart Canada recognizes that one person can make a big difference, and is proud to host the Green Student Challenge for the second year. We are challenging all post-secondary students to showcase their best, most innovative green business solutions to Canada’s top CEOs.

In addition to being recognized as one of tomorrow’s bright new leaders, semi-finalists and finalists will share in prize money.