Category Archives: Healthy Communities

7 Days of Green is back!

7 Days of Green is back this year, June 1-7!  Visit their brand new website for detailed listings of events.

Sustainable Peterborough is proud to be one of the partners in the “Buy Local Cash Mob” event taking place on Wednesday, June 4th, at the Electric City Bread Company, 165 Sherbrooke Street, Peterborough, from 10 am until 5 pm.

Seniors’ Summit

The 2014 Seniors’ Summit will be kickstarting Seniors’ Month and will be taking place on May 29th, 12:30 – 7:00 in Trent University’s Wenjack Theatre.  For more details please visit this link:

Local Food Forum

On September 18, 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs launched a key piece of their broader food strategy – The Local Food Fund.  The Local Food Fund is a 3-year initiative with funding of up to $10 million per year to support innovative local food projects that reduce barriers to sustainable, regional economic development.  The goal of the Local Food Fund is to increase the purchase of Ontario foods and contribute to increase economic activity.

Thursday, October 3, 2013 from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

Peterborough Public Library Auditorium

345 Aylmer Street North, Peterborough

Registration is FREE and available online at

Agenda includes:

  • local food agencies, groups and service providers are invited to make a 5 minute presentation on their local food programs and services, followed by
  • Judy Coward, Economic Development Consultant with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, will provide an overview of the Local Food Fund & application details.

Take the time to find out more about this new funding opportunity.

The first funding period closes October 31, 2013.

Condos, Cartage and Cleaning Products – Local Sustainability In Action

The Sustainable Business Initiative, a program of the Sustainable Peterborough Economic Development Working group is pleased to present: “Condos, Cartage and Cleaning Products – Local Sustainability In Action”, Thursday, September 19th, 2013 7:30am – 9:00am in the GPAEDC Boardroom – 210 Wolfe St., Peterborough

Come learn 10 Easy Business Sustainability Initiatives and listen to a panel discussion of local businesses talking about how they have put sustainability into action in their facilities.

Registration is free and available online or by calling Brigid Ayotte 705-743-0777 ext. 2160 or by e-mail at

Peterborough Climate Change Rally

For Our Grandchildren in Peterborough is organizing a Climate Change Rally on Sunday, September 22, from 11 AM to 12 NOON at Millennium Park to kick off the Purple Onion Festival.  We are aiming at attendance of over 1,000 people, the biggest such rally in Peterborough’s history, to bring to the attention of our politicians the need for action NOW on climate change.  We know it is happening already, but we have to do everything in our power to minimize it, For Our Grandchildren! Wear purple for a photograph at noon to set the Guinness book of records for people wearing purple. Read about the Rally event on the 4RG web site. Visit the Rally Event on Facebook and share it with your friends.

The world’s atmosphere is almost at the concentration of CO2 to cause a 2 oC increase in the average global temperature.  At this point, climate change could spiral out of control.  Yet the amount of known fossil-fuel reserves would produce about FIVE TIMES the amount of CO2 required to reach this 2 oC critical point. We cannot let this extra carbon get burnt!

We will get 1,000 people to the rally if each of the 40 of us in the Peterborough section of For Our Grandchildren will commit to find 10 others who will commit to come to the rally, AND persuade each of them to commit to bring 2 MORE.  That is 40×10 = 400, and 400 + 800 =1200.  We can do it!  Better get started … we have less than a month to get there. Your personal contacts are going to get us there.

There are posters for the event at the Peterborough Resources link on the 4RG web site.  Please print and distribute them, or let Alan or Linda know if you need copies for posting; we have plenty of printed copies of the one with the purple background (for the Purple Onion Festival), but you can use the one with the white background if you want to print your own and save printer ink.  PLEASE advertise with every group you know, such as faith communities, service clubs, book clubs, ….

Visit the Rally Event on Facebook where people can indicate they are coming, to give us some idea of the number committed. Share the event with your friends. Like the event. Add links to it on your own Facebook page. Here is the Facebook Page Link all spelled out.
Please put this link on your Facebook page and share it with everyone you know.

Also on the Peterborough Resources link there is a sheet of “tear-off” announcements of the rally that you can print, cut out, and give to everyone you meet.  Take some to the market with you; take them to your faith community, carry them with you everywhere.

Please let Alan or Linda know if you can help on September 22.  We need you for crowd assistance (tell people to stay off the road and where the benches are for the elderly), to hand out purple headbands, etc.

Thanks for your commitment.  We need to change policies in Peterborough, Ontario, and Canada and, together, we will!