Category Archives: Healthy Communities

RBC funds Depave Paradise in 6 communities in 2015

Thanks to a generous donation from the RBC Blue Water Project to the Green Communities Foundation, Depave Paradise events will be taking place in six Canadian cities this year.

Depave Paradise is a project of Green Communities Canada and its member organizations across the country. Areas of unused asphalt are torn up by volunteers using hand tools and replaced with green space.

June 4 is RBC Blue Water day, and RBC will be making a presentation of a $100,000 cheque to the Green Communities Foundation at the Brock Mission in Peterborough at 9:00am. The Brock Mission was the site of a Depave Paradise project in 2014, organized by GreenUP, in which 62 square metres of asphalt were torn up by hand by volunteers and replaced with a garden of native plants.

On RBC Blue Water Day, you might want to ask, what does tearing up pavement have to do with water?

The urban water cycle is broken. Vegetation is replaced with hard surfaces, which greatly increases runoff. The rain picks up pollutants like pet waste, chemicals, soaps, oil, and grease. Stormwater management systems are not designed to accommodate the level of extreme precipitation we are now facing, and floods are becoming increasingly common.

Depave Paradise demonstrates how we can reduce the proliferation of hard surfaces. We find pockets of unused pavement in cities and turn the removal into a community workbee. Using prybars and shovels, our volunteers tear up the pavement and reclaim a small piece of paradise. The gardens and permeable pavement that we install in place of the asphalt soak up water into the ground, filtering it through soil and plants, avoiding runoff and pollution and protecting local waterbodies. Added benefits of removing pavement in include reduced urban heat island effect, increased habitat, and the social and health benefits of increased access to green space.

Over the past three years, Depave Paradise participants have removed over 1,000 m2 of asphalt in 10 events. Events have taken place at schools, churches, public lands, community centres, and housing cooperatives. RBC has generously supported this project in the past, and we are thrilled to have their renewed commitment this year.

Projects this year will take place at six sites to be selected in Montreal, Winnipeg, Peterborough, Collingwood, Hamilton, Ottawa, and Kingston.

Learn more about Depave Paradise at

New report released by PCCHU

Peterborough County-City Health Unit released Karen Morrison’s, Ph.D., report – Lessons Learned for Public Health Adaptation to Extreme Precipitation and Flooding in the Context of Climate Change.

This report was created in collaboration with numerous local organizations, agencies and professionals, including the Peterborough County-City Health Unit, the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit and Sustainable Peterborough’s Climate Change Working Group.

Age-Friendly Peterborough Survey

The Peterborough Council on Aging is seeking input from community members to develop an Age-friendly Plan for the Peterborough region. The Plan will identify the needs, priorities, and service gaps of older adults and outline strategies to support active and healthy aging across the region. A survey, open to all community members, is now available online. Your input will be used to gauge how age-friendly the Peterborough region is today and what could help make it more age-friendly in the future.

For more information, please contact Sarah Cullingham, Age-friendly Coordinator, at (705) 748-8830 ext. 3227 or .

2014 Active Transportation and Health Indicators Report

Black and white photo of a young woman bike riding on a busy urban streetPeterborough’s first Active Transportation and Health Indicators Report has been released! This report showcases the connection between rates of walking and cycling, infrastructure, policy, programming, human and environmental health, and safety. Containing hundreds of unique infographics, this report is among the first and most comprehensive benchmarking publications developed in a Canadian municipality.

2014 Purple Onion Festival

The Purple Onion Festival is a celebration of our local community, a more resilient and sustainable one, one that supports our local farmers and locally owned businesses by building relationships with them, by making connections and by living more locally. Come out to the Festival this Sunday, September the 21st, 11-4, at Peterborough’s Millennium Park, and celebrate local! Admission is free. For further details, including a list of events, please visit the Festival’s website at