We use a system of Acts, plans and codes to formalize sustainable decision-making about land use. Where parks, schools and retail stores are located, and how they support each other in a sustainable manner, comes down to our ability to guide these land uses through various policies. Planning policies are continuously adapted to reflect current trends and best practices. Sustainable land-use planning requires us to think ahead 25 to 50 years. Across the Greater Peterborough Area many Official Plans have at least a 25 year planning horizon. The prime planning tool is the Official Plan. Official Plans govern land use planning matters in municipalities. Some of the natural environment is protected under Provincial planning legislation. Under the Places to Grow Act, the Government of Ontario has prepared a Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Both the City and County of Peterborough fall under the jurisdiction of the Growth Plan, which provides growth management policy direction for all affected communities. In addition, part of the County of Peterborough, in the Township of Cavan Monaghan, is part of the Oak Ridges Moraine and its green space, farmland, forests, wetlands, and watersheds are afforded much protection under provincial legislation.
Our Goal:
We will support the building of sustainable, healthy and diverse communities through planning policies and decisions that are developed and made in a transparent, open and accessible manner.
Strategic Directions:
- Encourage land use planning that protects the unique urban and rural charms of our communities and balances the rural-urban interface.
- Support the creation of pedestrian-oriented communities that encompass all elements we need within our community.
- Encourage sustainable land use that considers the net environmental impacts.
- Place priority on brownfield redevelopment before greenfield development.
- Integrate current and future strategic and master plans with the Sustainable Peterborough Plan.
Priority Action:
- Develop and implement neighbourhood design guidelines that ensure equal opportunities for all – including pedestrians, cyclists, public transportation, and automobiles – relevant to both urban and rural areas.
Further details on the Land Use Planning Theme Area can be found in this section of the Sustainable Peterborough Plan.