Healthy Communities is broad and far-reaching, covering social equity, attainable housing, community involvement, healthcare, and recreation. The Greater Peterborough Area is home to a number of community health-minded groups, faith groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals. Local advocacy and citizen involvement has been and remains a strong point for the community. However, poverty continues to be a pressing challenge throughout the region, and the need for attainable housing persists. Obtaining access to health services also remains a challenge for some–specifically those in the County’s rural areas. An aging demographic will likely mean an increased demand on health and social services. Accordingly, the community must be prepared to meet this increase in service demand. Health and well-being also depend on access to recreational opportunities for all age groups. Our playgrounds, trails, parks, arenas, gymnasiums, and multi-purpose facilities allow for a wide range of activities. However, there is limited capacity and many still encounter barriers to participation in regular recreation. Removing the physical and financial barriers which limit recreational participation is paramount in helping residents to achieve healthy lifestyles and create meaningful community connections.
Our Goal:
We will be a community where everyone has the opportunity and support to achieve their physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual potential.
Strategic Directions:
- Encourage health and social services that focus on preventative care, are accessible, and meet the needs of our community as it changes.
- Provide sport and recreational opportunities that are accessible to all.
- Strive for adequate and attainable housing to increase the quality of life for all.
- Encourage civic engagement by supporting citizen involvement in decision-making.
Priority Action:
- Increase the availability of affordable housing throughout the entire Greater Peterborough Area.
Further details on the Healthy Communities Theme Area can be found in this section of the Sustainable Peterborough Plan. Numerous initiatives are being actioned through the Healthy Kids Community Challenge working group.