Vision and Theme Areas Confirmed!

In any planning exercise, a shared vision is critical to the plan’s success.  It allows all involved to see or imagine where the plan is taking them.  The same applies to our sustainability plan, and we’re very happy to confirm the overall vision for Sustainable Peterborough as follows:
Caring communities balancing prosperity, well-being and nature.
The vision takes into account the multiple communities involved in this sustainability plan and the feedback expressed around the importance of the “equality of people” and “sense of community”.  It also works to balance the 4 pillars of sustainability: Cultural, Economic, Environmental, and Social.  And it’s really kind of catchy!

Also, we have now confirmed our Theme Areas.  These themes represent specific focus areas that support achievement of the overall vision above and they are as follows:
Agriculture & Local Food
Climate Change
Cultural Assets
Economic Development & Employment
Healthy Communities
Land Use Planning
Natural Assets

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time and made the effort to contribute to the process.  The Sustainable Peterborough team really appreciates it!

Next up, determining our strategies and actions.  Come out to next round of Community Cafes and provide your input!